

נשימה בעוצמה / נפח / תדירות מעבר לצורכי הגוף, הגורמת להסרה מרובה מדי של פחמן דו חמצני

“Excessive rate and depth of respiration leading to abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood”
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary >>

“Increased alveolar ventilation relative to metabolic carbon dioxide production, so that alveolar carbon dioxide pressure decreases to below normal”
Medilexicon >>

“One may not be aware of regularly hyperventilating & having hyperventilation syndrome, but will be aware of many of its related symptoms: dizziness or lightheadedness, shortness of breath, belching, bloating, dry mouth, weakness, confusion, sleep disturbances, numbness and tingling in the arms or around the mouth, muscle spasms in hands and feet, chest pain, and palpitations”
MedlinePlus >>

“Hyperventilation consist of breathing faster and/or deeper than necessary, and so reducing   the bloods’ carbon dioxide concentration below normal”
Wikipedia >>

“Hyperventilation is usually triggered by a change in the balance of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the lungs. Breathing too deeply or too rapidly, causes exhaling too   much CO2. Chronic hyperventilation may be triggered by an incorrect breathing pattern”      WebMD >>

“A pulmonary ventilation rate faster than is metabolically necessary for the exchange of gases. It is the result of an increased frequency of breathing, an increased tidal volume, or a combination of both. It causes an excess intake of oxygen and the blowing off of carbon dioxide.”
Medical Dictionary Online >>

Hyperventilation, sustained abnormal increase in breathing. During hyperventilation the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the blood is increased”
Encyclopedia Britannica >>

Hyperventilation occurs when you breathe faster and deeper than normal. This type of breathing prevents adequate gas exchange from taking place in your lungs, and your blood loses carbon dioxide because you’re taking in oxygen at an unusually fast rate. It can also be referred to as over breathing”
study.com >>


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